Friday, 19 February 2010

Issue: Fast Food

I am very interested in the food industry and it's affect on the population as a whole. Fast food seems to have become a way of life and in some cases an addiction to the salt, grease and additives. Society is faced with fast food advertising everyday with 'sexy' ad campaigns by skinny women. The reality however is so much different. I'm interested in finding a way to exploit this issue and disgust people through imagery, a product, short film or another form of media.

This disgusting ad hosted by youtube was televised in NYC by the government in an attempt to shock, disgust and change peoples attitudes to fast food. It actually made me heave when I saw it; prepare yourself:

I like the way the facts have been simply presented to the audience, with the images of fat - which I'm sure nobody wants to see. On the same website (Link!) there are other similar ads with images of fat pouring out of a fizzy drink bottle, and a large version of Barbie:

Here is the article about Barbie, it explains that there is work trying to combat obesity, but todays youth has no interest and likes the taste of the fast food. I understand what they are saying by using Barbie - that this is the image kids aspire to, but would they aspire to her new, fat image? However, I don't think it's execution was right.

Everyone I know learnt this song (video below) at school or some form of club, this pop group aimed the song at primary school children, and at no more than 7 years old their brains are sponges soaking up information. Therefore, these children are being brainwashed. If there is to be any change in peoples attitudes it needs to happen at young ages, Jamie Oliver has taken a stand and campaigned to give children healthy foods, which can be found on his website.

The most disgusting 'fact' I found is that there is enough grease in 10 burgers to create a massive painting of the mona lisa, watch the video below to find out how:

I have found some good ways of packaging healthy food. They are packaged to look like something else, have a look:

These images were found on thedieline website, this 'series of food packaging [was] created from the observations on personal behaviors' of society. Daizi Zheng likes to challenge peoples preconceptions, and she has created this project based on stereotypes and others of a similar nature.
I found a brilliant video on cooking with unexpected ingredients using flash animation and skilled camerawork, I love the different medias available when exploring ideas and hope to generate weird ideas; hopefully not as strange as Thai art student Kittiwat Unarrom:

Thai art student: Body pieces. (Don't worry, it's made out of bread! Honest!)

If you're interested there is a 'making of' video here: Video
Or, an article about the artist here: Article

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