Friday, 19 February 2010

Fat: Bio-Diesel

Human fat to be a new bio-diesel fuel? There are pages and pages of this all over the internet - I wonder if there are any books. Articles about human fat being sold on the black market for crazy amounts of money, though I suspect this is just chinese whispers of some sort!

The bio-diesel thing however, is true. There is a plastic surgeon who has tested a gallon of human fat against a gallon of diesel and it's as effective, although I think it's pretty illegal at the moment. This is the article. Chug chug!

Sinix, a Korean medical modelling company (makes models for training purposes for doctors and such), has manufactured a "Very soft Fat model with a realistic response to Human Fat". This can be seen below:

I'd like to know what this was made out of, so I could work something using "fat" without actually throwing up from the smell etc. Intrafit is another company who makes and sells the simulated models, and if you have a look at the website, you can see the different ways these have been created. Still, having searched the site there's no answer as to how they've done it.

Ooo. I'm blind, this is what it says they're made of:
"Made of pliable, long-lasting vinyl plastic and  have a profound memorable effect when handed to a client."

My ideas so far are:
- Silicone (the only non-household one)
- Wax
- Jelly
- Plastecine
- Clay

...And I'm working on the ideas still. Though there are a few 'Out-There' things floating around.

What I realllly want to know, is if there is anything I can do with fat?

Is it malleable in any way? Can it be heated.. moulded, liquidated.. Ermmm... And, i suppose, what happens to it as a result of those things? Questions....

I've just found this amazing company, called Dirty Ass Soaps they use vegan methods to create amazing soaps, I had to give them a second look before believing they were just soaps! They say:
"Our claim to fame is taking what would be a boring bar of soap and turning it into a frickin' masterpiece."

And I think I'd have to agree with them.. Now, thinking large-scale and relating it to my project, it could be another medium for experiment! Here are some examples:

1. From the Fight Club dvd cover!

2. Cupcake soap - It even smells like a real cupcake!! Wow..

3. Shot Glass soaps...

These designs have opened my mind up again, I could potentially make the 'fat' or even fashion piece out of many materials... Hmm..

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