Monday 8 March 2010

Heart Attack Grill

God knows how this place is allowed to survive..

But, I do like the frank-ness of the Heart Attack Grill owner. Follow the link to their website and you can see you can order 'Quadruple Bypass Burgers', 'Flatliner Fries' and other disgustingly fattening foods. The Quadruple Bypass Burger contains 8000 calories and the muffin is soaked in Lard.

Here is a little video on the Grill presented by Bill Geist:

If you want to go and eat in the restaurant and are over 350lbs (25 stone) then you can eat as much as you like for free. This surely cannot be allowed? Also they have a second Grill opeining in Orlando, Florida near the Disney theme park where I will be spending summer 2010 - I need to check this place out!! (Though, I won't be eating anything... ewwww).

As if those girls ever eat any of that. 

It all comes down to body image again, sex sells. The guys who go there wouldn't want to be served by a 25st woman, so why reward a 25st man who walks in with all of the free Fat and death he wants?

Another battle of the sexes and body image fueld lifestyle....

Body Image: Issues / Reasons / Fears

I have finally narrowed down what I want to focus on in this project (D2.3) and that is the issue of Body Image. All my research has been pointing this way and I know from personal experience first hand what it's like to have an eating disorder, to want to be size 0, to be size 0, to not be able to keep down food through fear of becoming fat; and doing everything possible to try and combat this fear.

The trouble is with disorders like this, is that you never really recover fully. I battle every day with my fear, I'm obsessive at making sure all the fat is off of my food and will stop eating when I feel too stressed.. Through this project I want to address the issue of body image, fear, possibly dieting and other surrounding issues. Those aren't particularly clear yet.

Today I have been trawling Youtube for videos on body image and how the media affects the way we think, clothes we buy, personalities, moods and compulsivity. I have found a few interesting and at times disturbing videos:

1. 12 year old Natasha - weighing 4st.

2. Dove - Beauty Pressure

I love this advertisement, especially the part with the woman on the scales, and the shooting through hundreds of existing advertisements around cities. This advert is trying to show real women for what they are, and that being - beautiful.

3.Dont Die For A Diet

The sad thing with this video, is that it seems to be 'known' information to everyone going through this. I myself confess to all of those things; it wasn't a good time.

Your stomach shrinks and cannot hold vast amounts of food. Hair, nails and skin show signs of malnutrition, so even though you're achieving your thin goal - you still hate your appearance. Its a terrible catch 22. You feel pushed to exercise because it's 'healthy' and pass out randomly almost everyday. There are many many more things, although you get the picture.